Now with twice the bits

I took a short break from the UI work to perform an autobuilder upgrade. The biggest changes are that the autobuilder now produces a new 64-bit Windows MSI package (including Start menu shortcuts), and an RPM package built on Fedora Core 23 (also 64-bit). This means all platforms now have a 64-bit package and Windows additionally has the old 32-bit one as well.

Launchpad builds both 32 and 64 bit packages for Ubuntu. All new Launchpad builds will be done on 16.04.

The upgraded Windows autobuilder uses a newer compiler (VS 2015, Visual C++ 14) and the latest version of Qt (5.6). I’ve also started signing the Windows executables and MSI packages so that you’ll have some assurance of their origin.

These changes may have caused regressions so keep an eye out for any odd behavior. Let us know how it goes!

The changes are also now reflected in the build repository here on For the time being I’ve linked the builds feed directly to the Autobuilder pages to access the latest files. Eventually I’ll rework the pages for builds and downloads — I’ve been eyeing the system for a backend redesign.

Bug reports have been indicating that recent work in the 2.0 unstable builds has caused some file handling issues. I took a closer look and noticed that in many cases, files written to the runtime folder were still being created using standard C I/O functions. This meant they were completely bypassing Doomsday’s internal file system and making assumptions that are no longer valid. I updated all the code that writes files to make use of Doomsday 2 APIs, including .cfg files, temporary MIDI music files, screenshots, the network ID (“”), and creation of subdirectories in the runtime folder. This should take care of all these issues related to Doomsday being unable to write or save files at runtime.

These file fixes are currently in my Home UI work branch, but they will be merged into the master branch in the near future, along with the first iteration of the Home UI.


With the 3D model renderer in reasonably good shape so that new models can be worked on, I’m now pushing toward building the front-end’s central features into the Home screen: selecting PWADs and other resources to use when playing a game.

The main feature I was working on last week was a new way of handling classic data files such as WADs, PK3s, DEDs, and DEHs. The engine is now able to recognize these files and treat them as Doomsday 2 packages internally. Additionally, I’ve added a small database of known files (such as the vanilla IWADs) that are further identified as packages with very specific IDs and versions.
Continue reading Homeward