For the past week I’ve been doing a ton of cleaning up and refactoring. I’ve also set up a new build option that cuts build times in half. Continue reading A slow build
Tag: resource
Game changer
Plenty of stuff to unpack this week! Continue reading Game changer
With the 3D model renderer in reasonably good shape so that new models can be worked on, I’m now pushing toward building the front-end’s central features into the Home screen: selecting PWADs and other resources to use when playing a game.
The main feature I was working on last week was a new way of handling classic data files such as WADs, PK3s, DEDs, and DEHs. The engine is now able to recognize these files and treat them as Doomsday 2 packages internally. Additionally, I’ve added a small database of known files (such as the vanilla IWADs) that are further identified as packages with very specific IDs and versions.
Continue reading Homeward