The second release candidate is available: build 2257.
This build has a number of bugfixes and minor improvements, particularly when it comes to loading and unloading data files. Some of the fixes affect metadata generated for data files, so if you’ve been running RC1, I recommend clearing Doomsday’s resource cache. This will also ensure that all add-ons are detected again, if some files were previously missing.
When one loads a savegame, Doomsday will attempt to load or unload resources depending on what was used in the save. However, this was quite buggy and could easily lead to a crash. There was also a mixup that caused Doomsday to try load and unload the same files twice. These issues are resolved in RC2.
I’ve made a couple of usability tweaks in Home. It should now be clearer when a profile is unplayable because the game IWAD is missing, or if the problem is that your selected additional packages are unavailable.